Call For Posters and Demos |
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Technical demonstrations, innovative and original research posters are both solicited. In general, IEEE ATC is interested with those technical demonstrations and posters that validate important research issues or showcase realistic applications in the following topics (but not limited to):
DEMO and POSTER SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Submissions should be a two-page abstract/proposal that follows the IEEE formatting guidelines: refer to the IEEE submission instructions for details. It should be specific enough in describing what you will demonstrate or display. In the submission, please specify clearly whether you will be presenting a poster, a demo, or both. For demos, providing a web link to a 90-second video is recommended. The Abstracts of accepted demos/posters will be included in the IEEE ATC 2019 Proceedings.Submission website: the same as main conference paper submission site. IMPORTANT DATES Two-page demo (or poster) descriptions/proposal: 19 April, 2019Notification of acceptance: 4 May, 2019 Camera-ready submission: 19 May, 2019 CONTACTS IEEE ATC 2019 Demo/Poster Chair: Yulong Fu, Xidian University, China ( |
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